
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions — supports over 4800 Southern Baptist international missionaries through the work of the International Mission Board.

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American Missions — supports the Southern Baptist missionaries in North America through the work of the North American Mission Board.

Eliza Broadus Offering for Kentucky Baptist Missions — supports the evangelistic and humanitarian work of Kentucky Baptists, including disaster relief, Hispanic ministry, Baptist Campus Ministry, Eastern Kentucky ministry centers, and much more.

Fred Tucker Offering for Louisville Area Missions — supports local efforts such as a men’s shelter, a crisis pregnancy center, an education program for immigrants, a ministry at Churchill Downs, and hispanic church planting.



The Great Commission given to us by our Lord is to reach our neighborhoods, our city, our nation, and the ends of the earth with the gospel of His amazing grace and to thereby make disciples of Jesus Christ.  To this end, we…

GO into our neighborhood, schools, and workplaces showing the love of Christ and speaking his gospel.  We hold church-wide events and programs from time to time to reach out to our community, but our desire is to have a church culture in which our membership minister the gospel consistently in everyday relationships and encounters.

GO to our nation by sending short-term missionary teams for direct involvement in church-planting efforts on the North American continent.

GO to the ends of the earth by sending short-term missionary teams for direct involvement in international church-planting efforts.

Trip to Niger, 2018:

Mission team to Montreal to assist in planting Renaissance MTL, 2015


 Pastor Ken Vickery training church leaders in Niger, 2015:

Teaching in Niger

Summer missionary and mission team to Niger, 2013:


Mission team to Cincinnati to assist in the planting of Velocity Church, 2012:
